AKCIJA 1 kg kakavos plyta tik 69 eur. Perkant už 30 eur ar daugiau – DOVANA 100 g. kakavos!

Cacao can be the perfect theme for a trip to an exotic country. Here are some „Kakavos Romanas“ destinations for the new and rising cacao fan.

1. Peru:

The Amazon region of Peru is a real gem for cacao enthusiasts. Visitors can venture into the rainforest to learn about the different types of cacao and observe the traditional farming methods used by local farmers. Some tours also include chocolate-making workshops and tastings.

2. Venezuela:

This country is famous for its Criollo cacao, one of the best and most sought-after varieties in the world. Cacao tourists in Venezuela can visit plantations and learn about the country's rich cacao heritage. There's no shortage of activities - you can visit cacao farms in the famous Chuao region and learn about traditional growing and processing methods.

3. Nicaragua:

Nicaragua is increasingly recognised for its organic and high quality cacao. Cacao tourism is growing fastest in the Matagalpa region. Travellers can visit cacao farms in the country's fertile highlands and interact with local farmers. Some tours offer hands-on experience of the chocolate-making process in workshops ranging from picking cacao pods to making chocolate bars.

Interesting fact. In regions famous for cacao, mini-plantations are often set up where you can come and see how the cacao grows, but the larger farms are not open to tourists, as visitors would interfere with the day-to-day workings. Nevertheless, in many cases it is certainly worth trying out the tourist attractions such as workshops, seminars and excursions.
